Break The Chain of Infections: Test the Decontamination Equipment from Austria

Hygiene is usually associated with ‘what is good for the health’ and ‘what keeps you healthy’. Hygiene from an operational perspective commonly means ‘practices that prevent spread of disease-causing organisms’. Usual cleaning process such as hand washing helps remove dirt, soil and infectious microbes. From the perspective of public health, it becomes crucial for a human society to promote hygiene, thus preserving health.

Hygiene becomes a compulsory issue in everyday life settings and plays an essential role in preventing spread of infectious diseases 1. The solution consists in ‘preventing the spread of infectious diseases’ and is achieved through the effective breaking of the chain of infection transmission. Two main stages are required: identifying the ‘routes of spread of pathogens’ and ‘applying hygiene procedures at critical points at appropriate times to break the chain of infection’ (Bloomfield & Al. 2009).

Hygiene has several entry points: hand, respiratory, food, water, home, environmental sites, surfaces, animals or human-being at greater risk of infection. Failures in the identification of the reservoir and the routes of spread of pathogens as well as failures in applying hygiene procedures are the cornerstone of major outbreak of diseases.

In the case infections, it is of utmost importance to identify the natural reservoir hosting the pathogens. It may as well be originating from a natural environment, or from advanced laboratories dealing with emerging diseases (P4 Laboratories).

As the natural reservoir host of Marburg/Ebola filoviruses has not yet been identified, the way in which the virus first appears in a human at the start of an outbreak is unknown (CDC (a), 2014) 2. According to the United States of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ‘Filoviruses belong to a virus family called Filoviridae and can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. So far, only two members of this virus family have been identified: Marburgvirus and Ebolavirus’. ‘The first Filovirus was recognized in 1967 when a number of laboratory workers in Germany [Marburg] and Yugoslavia, who were handling tissues from green monkeys, developed hemorrhagic fever’ (CDC (b), 2014) 3.

‘The exact mechanisms of filoviral transmission are unclear 4.  Nonetheless, in any filoviral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks, the human-to-human transmission cycle must be broken. ‘Core infection control activities include effective identification and isolation of cases, timely contact tracing and monitoring, adequate barrier personal protection gear for health care workers, safe burials, and community sensitization’ (Raabe, & Borchert, 2012).

Thus, successful infection controls are usually done thanks to knowledgeable Human resource, medication and appropriate advanced equipment. Ignorance, strategic bad intentions, local customs and indiscipline are some of the bio-safety challenges when addressing filoviral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks.

No need to look for hygiene disruption in poor economies with weak of inexistent health centers. Infections could occur in rich countries. Nosocomial infections are infections are acquired in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. ‘Nosocomial infections can be defined as those occurring within 48 hours of hospital admission, 3 days of discharge or 30 days of an operation’. There is no discussion about the fact that some hospitals have more risks than others.

An important number of people could possibly get their infection at a doctor’s office or, an emergency room, a nursery, in a Hospital or clinic, in crowded areas where they went.  They could possibly infect anyone or get infected before being identified and put in an isolation area. Besides, some contagious diseases such as measles ‘can be spread through airborne respiratory droplets even two hours after an infected person has left the room’.

The number of people who die as a result of nosocomial infections or multi-drug resistant microorganisms and the associated human, economic and social costs per infected patient are simply too high.

MutAgile has identified an advanced bio technology and mobile equipment based on hydrogen peroxide which offers a solution for the decontamination of room and surface. It helps prevent infections and offer a germ-free and residue-free closed environment as of 15 minutes with proven activity at 99,9999%.

Should you be interest to create an infectious-free environment, MutAgile is prepared to share knowledge through a fee-based one half-day workshop on the advantage of using ecological and mobile decontamination equipment.

Kindly consider MutAgile as a partner for organizing an explanatory workshop on the numerous advantages of a decontamination process in poor, rich and emerging economies. As a green technology, governments with ecological conscience might offer incentives to acquire such equipment and related training and maintenance courses.

The challenge consists in ensuring that countries, towns, villages, hospitals, clinics, rooms, etc. will be in a position to break the chain of infections, stop the spread of pathogens while applying advanced hygiene procedures at critical points and at appropriate times. YEA.

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